Science is for all! Introduction to the theory and practice of citizen science

Welcome to the ESSRG online training platform!
Science is for all!
Introduction to the theory and practice of citizen science
What does this online training offer?
“Science for All! Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Citizen Science” aims to provide a general introduction to the concept of citizen science, its brief conceptual development and its project-based application. Citizen science is a set of different research methodologies that can be applied in natural and social science research. Citizen science research is often designed and implemented with the involvement of social groups in the research field. Citizen science refers to the democratising endeavour in which citizens should be invited to understand better scientific research, take ownership of science processes, and participate in producing scientific knowledge.
After completing the online training, you will be able to:
- discuss the concept and practice of citizen science from a critical perspective
- design and initiate a pilot citizen science project
- identify stakeholder groups that can be involved in research processes
- identify digital tools used in citizen science projects
- learn about European citizen science networks and research platforms
- identify opportunities for funding and collaboration in the field of citizen science
Who can join the online training?
The training is primarily designed for young researchers from the natural and social sciences (MSc, MA, PhD). Still, anyone interested in citizen science or planning to launch a citizen science project in the near future can participate in the online training.
What are the requirements for completing the course?
- regular maintenance of a learning diary
- complete a professional profile on the EU-Citizen.Science platform
- completion of the course assignments
- submission of a research portfolio at the end of the course
Who created the online training?
The ESSRG (Environmental Social Science Research Group) researchers have produced the online training, mainly based on the experience gained through the EU-Citizen. Science platform and the EU-funded Horizon 2020 Framework Programme YouCount.
As a non-profit company, the ESSRG is a frontier organisation: its transdisciplinary studies – sociological, historical and economic approaches – transcend the traditional divide between natural and social sciences. A passion for social justice and ecological sustainability guides our researchers. To this end, we often initiate community participation processes in which local communities, especially marginalised social groups, are involved as partners in research and primary beneficiaries of the results.
What can you do after completing the course?
You can start the course again anytime, retrieving the most exciting and valuable parts. Once you have completed the course, you can sign up for our newsletter to be notified of more exciting online training courses.
For further questions and comments, please contact Alexandra Czeglédi via email:
Course Features
- Leckék 18
- Kvízek 0
- Időtartam 50 óra
- Szint Minden szint
- Nyelv English
- Résztvevők 11
- Bizonyítvány Nincs
- Értékelések Igen
1. How to prepare for the course?
This is the first introductory week of the "Science for all!" online course. In this week you will learn about the main resources to help you in your online learning process.
2. What is citizen science?
In this section you will learn about the concept and history of citizen science and the role of citizens scientists in research.